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Mrs. Sarah Boettcher
1st Grade

Hi! My name is Sarah Boettcher, and I am so excited to be the 1st grade teacher here at Prince of Peace! I grew up in Wisconsin where I attended Luther Preparatory School and then Martin Luther College. I graduated with my degree in education in 2002 and was assigned as a tutor at Luther Prep for one year before I married David Boettcher, pastor here at Prince of Peace. We moved to MIchigan for a year where I taught grades 1-4. Then we returned to Milwaukee to finish Seminary. My husband was assigned to Cross of Christ in Coon Rapids, Minnesota, where we lived for 6 years. Then in 2011 we moved our family to Alberta, Canada, to serve 2 mission congregations there. We lived in Alberta for 10 years before coming to Salt Lake City! 

My children are Isaac, Greta, Samuel and Elijah. Our oldest will start at Martin Luther College in the fall, our daughter attends Luther Prep in Wisconsin, and the younger 2 will be here at Prince of Peace. I spent most of my years home raising my kids, but for the past 5 years I worked as an aid at the elementary school my children attended in Canada. I am quite happy to be back in my own classroom again! 


We Boettchers love to be active, so you’ll most often find us outside, and we are happiest when camping or hiking. I am looking forward to exploring Utah and getting to know all the interesting things this part of the world has to offer. 

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